Friday, May 28, 2010

Cracking that mac?

What could be better than owning a mac? Eating one of course :)!

Finally after countless attempts of breaking that mac! I've finally done it!! Almond macarons of course not that super high tech laptop with glossy covers!

Now would you look at that..orgasm in a bite-size man! What could be prettier than those sandwiches!

Those burgers with pretty "feet"! Ah alas..there is a God after all :) let's see the process of making them . . .
After a vigorous mixing process and loads of piping, tada!

*cries*..look at all the pretty babies waiting to be sent to the oven!

Aaa...they grow up so fast :)

Mini celebrities!

And after some fiddling...finally removed them and arranged them neatly ready to be frozen for tomorrow when the fun really starts !

After lots of squishing between sinfully good ganache and some strawberry buttercream . . .

. . .


And this last one just for you :) *wink*

Ah at last...managed to conquer them little bastards :) ahah! Bon appetit!

Pink macarons with ganache and strawberry buttercream.


  1. Beautifully done leh ur macarons :D!

  2. TEEHEEE :P! wee thanks wei! ill upload moreee! :) look forward to them yea ;)! coffee macs are on its way here :)!

  3. OMG Eeeegeeeen blogging? HAHAHAHAHA

    Nice job. your hasil buatan tangan looks goood =D

  4. LOLOLOL :)! yea la! first time blogging ok ! not bad eh!

    thanks thanks :) still improving don worry ^^ teeehee XD!

  5. Whoaaa! A blog!! Hahaha. Holy crap the pictures look awesome. Everything looks delicious! =)

  6. Eigen!!!Do you think you an make some and ship them to me?? LIke you know mail and air tight them? can right??i mean if my friends mom can send over like cookies and shit like that? hahaha man!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Oops.Sorry I said a bad word but wonderful pics Gen!I'm so proud of you!!!! Xoxo.Keep up the good work!

  8. TEEEHEE!! che che! :D teehee! so cute la u :)! of coz! tell me lor! when sin yi or anything wan go then quickly tell me k i come go pack them up alrite! :)! don miss here too much alrite! must focus :)! TEEHEE i wan upload more! :) :)!

  9. Hahaha when you bake a batch you let me know. I'll be moving out in a weeks time so I'll give you my add then you can SHIP EM OVER!!Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha. I need some sweet tooth stuff and what more than in tiny little small packed cute shaped macaroons. I can give my friends!!! and i'll write 'From Malaysia with love' awww but I'll save the 'Xoxo Eigen' for myself!Muahahaha.

  10. heyy! ur sister just showed me! i want i want i want!!!! i can bring some back for her as well! i m coming back to kl end june, leaving early september, can pack some back for her. when are u gonna open a shop :P

  11. LOL! sry sry for the late reply! just uploaded a new post! :D!

    @che che : yeaaa!! cool cool! that would be good che! spread the love of mac :D! go check my new post k :)! oo yea ill alias with xinyi about it ok! :D TEEHEE! smile always yea che!

    @xin yi : OOO! cool cool! will do! tell me when ur back here ok! :D! then ill go whoop up some for u k! share with ur friends and family and tell me how it is ok! whether sellable o not :D! well i can't open a shop anytime soon so this will be the temporary shop LOL!
